Thursday, July 2, 2015

Four Different Shots Used to Score On Offense

For those more experienced players you are probably thinking "only four? there are way more different shots than that on offense" and I agree but I have categorized all the different shots in the game down into four groups. The four groups I have chosen are; jump shots, layups, dunks, and free throws. So yes these groups are very broad and cover a very wide range of specialty shots.

Jump Shots

This is probably the widest group out of the four. The jump shot, as explained in my article Shooting A Basketball, is a pretty basic shot involving a good shooting stance, good handle on the ball and a good release. Jump shots vary in range on the court and can be grouped into three distances; close, medium and long range. Close is generally inside the paint, medium is outside the paint but inside the three-point line, and long is outside the three point line.


The layup is a fundamental shot taught to basketball players very early on. It involves dribbling or catching a pass really close to the hoop and laying it in, as the name suggests. Layups do not involve the same technique as a jump shot and are usually done off the dribble. More skilled players usually do a form of layup known as the finger roll, where the ball is literally rolled off the players fingertips.


I thought about adding this into the layup category because I feel dunks are just an extension of a layup, done by those who are tall enough or athletic enough to dunk the basketball. Most everyone knows what a dunk is but for the sake of things I'll tell you. A dunk is when a player puts the ball through the hoop and the ball does no traveling from the players hand to the hoop. Dunks are a very exciting and entertaining way to score the basketball.

Free Throw

The free throw might very well be the most important shot on the list. The free throw is a shot rewarded to a player who is fouled in the act of shooting the basketball. For a free throw it is much like a jump shot, without the jumping. The player shoots the ball from the free throw line completely uncontested, hence it is free. These shots are only worth 1, as opposed to 2 or 3.

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