Friday, July 10, 2015

"Dribble Moves - Lay-Ups Drill"

So far a lot of my posts have revolved around the theoretical aspect of basketball such as my opinions and thoughts on various things. So today I wanted to talk about something a little different. Today's topic is on something to help you get better! I am going to talk about a drill that I use when I work in camps and a drill used by most of my coaches when I was growing up, it helps players work on their dribbling moves and lay-ups (as you probably guessed from the title). To get a better understanding of the drill I am going to use steps and a diagram from another awesome blog, Breakthrough Basketball.

First take a look at this diagram, become familiar with it and I will break down what is going on in steps right below it.

This diagram illustrates two different lines of players working on the drill at the same time, which is not necessary and can be done with only one line if the number of players is smaller. The cone looking objects are just that, cones, and the object that looks like two conjoined crosses or t's are two chairs.

Step 1. Players 1 and 2 dribble towards the cones. Once they reach the cones they do what is known as a dribble move, at this time players 3 and 4 should begin the drill. Dribble moves that are generally used are a crossover or a behind the back dribble to help the player change direction towards the chairs.

Step 2. Once the player arrives at the chairs they again perform a dribble move of their choice or whatever the coach has instructed. The chairs need to be treated like an opposing player, so pretend like you are trying to dribble by them. The player then heads towards the basket.

Step 3. Once the player has gone past the chairs and gotten to the hoop they should finish with a layup.

Step 4. After the layup the player should return to the end of the line and repeat steps 1-3 once it is their turn to go again.

As I said before this is a great drill to use in practice and can also be used by players anywhere there is a basketball hoop using other items besides cones and chairs.

These steps are explained through my own words but are based off the blog post located here, as well as where the diagram came from.

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